Monday, August 6, 2012

Getting Away from a Plateau

Yesterday, in order to prevent another zero-loss day, I decided to do the "steak day". I didn't lose a single pound the other day and I just wanted to stop the "plateau" before it could progress.

So, anyway, I didn't eat anything the whole day since I was doing the "steak day". The "steak day" is one of the ways that Dr. Simeons highlighted that could remedy a "plateau". Here's how it works: 
  1. Take your HCG drops as usual, still the 10 drops every morning, noon and night. 
  2. Don't eat anything at all. Just take in lots of liquids... meaning, drink lots and lots of water. (For me, I added ACV here since some blogs say that this helps too.) 
  3. Eat a big steak cooked with oil (well, I guess less than 200 grams will do since we have to limit ourselves to 500 calories) with an apple or tomato. 
  4. The next day, you should register a weight loss. 
Well, what happened to me... was that I didn't get to eat my steak! The weather got so bad that I couldn't get out of the house. It was raining too hard and I knew for sure that the roads would be too slippery. I was more concerned that I wouldn't be able to get out of my parking space since the way out is uphill and it gets really slippery.

I tried having a steak delivered. But then, the minimum delivery was too high and I knew that there would be no stopping me from eating 2 steaks if I ordered 2 just to get steaks delivered. So, I decided to think about it first and then "Panic Room" was shown on HBO. The next thing I know, it was very late already and the restaurants were closed already!

I checked the sites and it turns out that if I eat below 500 calories, I would definitely lower my metabolism instead of increasing it. But the upside is.... despite my mistake, I registered a 0.8 lb. weight loss! I guess eat nothing all days also stops a plateau.

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