Monday, August 6, 2012

Weight Update - Phase 2 Day 6

Here's the breakdown for the past four days:

Day 4
Weight: 180.4 lbs
Pounds Lost in a Day: 1.0 lbs.
Pounds Lost So Far: 6.4 lbs.

Day 5
Weight: 180.4 lbs
Pounds Lost in a Day: 0.0 lb.
Pounds Lost So Far: 6.4 lb.
Remarks: I cheated on Day 4 so this is just my punishment: zero weight loss. :(

Day 6
Weight: 179.6 lbs
Pounds Lost in a Day: 0.8 lb.
Pounds Lost So Far: 7.2 lb.

I should be doing a weight update tomorrow instead of today but seeing how I had managed to go past that 180-lb. barrier made me so happy that I just couldn't resist. :P Tomorrow, I post also my measurements to cap off my first week with HCG.

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