Friday, August 3, 2012

Weight Update

Can I just say.... OMG! I just lost 5.4 pounds in 2 days! Seriously!!!

I didn't weigh myself before I started the Loading Phase. However, on Day 3 (yes, I added an extra day of gorging myself with extremely fatty foods), I unhappily stepped on my digital scale and it reflected 186.8 lbs... Huge, right?

Fast forward to Phase 2...
Starting Point: 186.8 lbs.

Day 2
Weight: 183.8 lbs.
Pounds Lost in a Day: 3 lbs.

Day 3
Weight: 181.4 lbs
Pounds Lost in a Day: 2.4 lbs.
Pouns Lost So Far: 5.4 lbs.

I was so happy, I took a picture of my weighing scale.   :)

I'll be doing this once in a while so that I have digital proof and this will serve as some sort of accountability report as well.

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