Wednesday, August 15, 2012

5-Day Cheating Marathon

Last Saturday, I just had to eat since my boyfriend was tempting me... he wanted to eat and he didn't want to eat alone... And so I went... and ate.

Sunday, we went on a trip to Bulacan... I forgot my drops because I was running late. It's BF's fault actually. He picked me up 6:45am for a 9:45am appointment. Talk about paranoid. Anyway, since I didn't take any drops, I was so hungry and ate breakfast at Mang Inasal where the rice is served unlimited. There was no other decent place to eat breakfast as other establishments were still closed (trust me, I really looked hard for one) and so we ended up at Mang Inasal. Of course, I had to order sisig and an extra piece of chicken. At the party, I ate a lot as well... out of respect to our host as he piled so much food on my plate. Seriously, I regretted this... the food was oily and bland... but I had no choice as I would be insulting our host if I didn't eat. Aaaarg!

Monday was supposed to be my non-cheat day. I started out well with eating strawberries for lunch. These were really yummy strawberries by the way. But come afternoon, I kept on thinking about the leftover steak in the freezer until finally, at around 5pm, I gave in to my craving (seriously, I was not hungry but I just kept on thinking about food) and grilled up a 200-gram steak.

Tuesday came and I had to go to school. Unfortunately, I forgot to take my drops again for lunch and was ravenous. I ordered canteen food and even had two servings of viand for my one cup of rice. Aaaarg again! When I went home, the dinner table was set and there was so much food since we were having visitors over. Aaaaarg again. I ended up tasting and tasting every food offering until I was stuffed.

Today, I almost didn't cheat but there was some leftover food from yesterday's feast that I just decided to finish it off. It was minimal... but for some reason, I had to eat a banana loaf and a chocolate chip muffin. Also, I had cravings for calamansi lemonade drink (which is 110 calories per cup) so I drank 4 cups.

All in all, it's like I am not on a diet at all. I guess not writing in this blog makes me forget I am dieting and on HCG in the first place.

Guess my weight? As expected, I gained weight. I am now 179 pounds. I hope it doesn't increase even further...

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