Thursday, August 9, 2012

HCG Phase 2 Recipe: Chicken Asparagus Stir-Fry

In order to survive this diet, I will have to put variation in my meals. I can only go so long with only shakes and soya sticks to fill me up. So, I checked the Intermountain recipe book and found some Filipino-friendly recipes. I say Filipino-friendly because the ingredients are all readily available in the supermarkets here in Manila. This one sounds promising.

Chicken Asparagus Stir-Fry

100 grams chicken breast, cut in strips
1/4 cup water
salt and pepper to taste
1 cup asparagus cut in 1" pieces (FRESH)
1/2 tsp ginger, grated
1 dash cayenne
1 clove garlic, minced

Microwave or steam asparagus until tender, but still crisp. Set aside. Heat water in a
skillet and add chicken strips, stirring, until cooked almost all the way through. Add the grated ginger, garlic, and cayenne. When the liquid is reduced by half, add in the asparagus and season with salt and pepper. Serve warm.

Some Notes:
  1. Don't use canned asparagus, because while more convenient, it is a no-no! The preservatives might not be HCG-compliant. You can find fresh green asparagus in Rustan's and Shopwise. I hear you can already find them in SM Supermarkets as well. 
  2. I learned of Cayenne when I was doing the lemonade diet. It's cheap and available under the label "McCormick". 


  1. I'm looking for a perfect diet recipe that I can prepare for everyday. This stir fry sauce recipe is sound delicious and good for my diet. Thank you for sharing this review.

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