Sunday, August 5, 2012

"Nothing Tastes as Good Like Skinny Feels"

Seriously, this is so true! Nothing tastes as good like skinny feels.

Last night, I attended a party because some of our relatives from Canada arrived. My father actually had lechon shipped from Cagayan de Oro (where the best lechon are made) to treat the guests. I thought of not attending but my father would hear none of it. And I was thinking I would just deal with it by reminding myself that "a moment on the lips, forever on the hips."

I went through most of the day eating nothing. I just took the drops and I drank a lot of water. At around  4pm, I took some 12 sticks of Soyami Soya Styx as I was getting scared that I wasn't feeling any hunger despite not having eaten anything. Why so many sticks? Well... Soya Styx can be addicting and I am thinking of stopping this snack soon. I never eat only 4 sticks, which is the number of sticks amounting to 70 calories.

Anyway, night came and we arrive at the party venue. As I went through the buffet setup, I passed through chicken and so many other viands without getting anything as I was looking for vegetables. When I saw some shrimps (but they were cooked sauteed in soy and ginger), I decided to get 2 pieces since shrimps are allowed on the diet. I was thinking never mind, if hey were sauteed in oil, because the shells protect the shrimp meat inside it. But, no! This is disaster #1. 

I saw some fresh asparagus and decided that this would be the rest of the meal. I took around 7 pieces of fresh asparagus and they were this nice green color and the best part is, they were steamed. A bit of asparagus was heavenly... and it's allowed in the HCG diet.

Unfortunately, I did not stop there. I saw the flavorful lechon (roasted pig) and I could not help myself. My mantra forgotten with the sight of a whole pig roasted to perfection, I took a rib and some fresh lechon meat. I am thicking that would probably have weighed 100 grams. I don't know if I am being kind when I estimate this but well... let's just say I had 100 grams of pork meat. This is disaster #2!

Aside from pork, the food I love most are noodles, particularly sotanghon (vermicelli or glass noodles). Of course, this was present at the party. I dunno. For some reason, my mind stopped working when I saw all the noodles on display. I just got myself some noodles... which is good and bad. Good because noodles replaced the rice that I so wanted but didn't get, and I researched today and found that vermicelli is actually made of mung bean which is allowed in the diet. But it's still bad because the vermicelli was cooked in chicken broth and oil (which is no-no in the diet). This is disaster #3!

What did I learn? "Nothing Feels Good Like Skinny Feels." Today, I am depressed. I was feeling so lazy and I didn't want to wake up. But when I remembered that I had to look at the weighing scale, I jumped up from the bed, went to the bathroom to relieve myself, removed all my clothing and stepped on the scale. I saw the numbers and I felt sad. 180. 4 pounds! :( I didn't gain any weight but I didn't lose any weight either.

Here's what the scale looked like:

It's not really so bad... but this was my weight yesterday as well.

In a nutshell, here's what I did wrong:
  1. Shrimps sauteed in oil and ginger is not allowed. The shell will not protect the shrimp meat from   being infused with oil. I was only deluding myself when I though otherwise.  
  2. Pork, no matter how cooked, is prohibited in this diet. 
  3. Vermicelli or glass noodles or sotanghon MAY be allowed but this has to be cooked in an HCG-compliant way... and definitely not sauteed in oil. 
I have to get back to being a good HCG dieter. 

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