Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Starting my hCG

Hi everyone. I am an HCG dieter based in the Philippines. I am documenting my HCG journey to motivate myself and so that I feel accountable to really follow the diet. Hope you can accompany me in my journey losing all this excess weight!  

SO, after learning about this diet in several forums, I plunked down PhP2,300.00 and bought my very own HCG on eBay. I researched and decided to buy the Intermountain HCG because according to the site, it has the best HCG formulation in the industry. It was delivered in sealed condition, which is great. Many Multiply sellers were offering pre-filled HCG injections but I was very uncomfortable with my HCG having been handled by people who do not work in a laboratory. I was very careful as well because my mom bought from another seller the other month and hers arrived in a bottle already just half-full, not sealed, and it came with no dropper but only one disposable syringe. I guess the seller expected my mom to use one syringe for the 40 days! Horrors!

Anyway, after 3 days of loading for Phase 1, I now weigh 186.8 pounds. I gained a few pounds because I really stuffed myself with lots of fatty foods. It even became 3 days of loading instead of 2 because I forgot to take the HCG drops on my Day 1. I checked the Internet and it was fortunate that doing 3 days instead of 2 is allowed.

Here's what I did: as taught by my seller, I took the HCG drops using a teaspoon. A dropper came with the Intermountain HCG that I purchased (the cap of the bottle is the dropper). So I just used it to place 10 drops on the teaspoon and I stuck the teaspoon under my tongue. The HCG was tasteless... there was no bitter taste at all, which is just fantastic!

For my loading phase, I ate extremely fatty foods. First day, I consumed chinese pork leg soup. I ate the pork skin and the visible fats (which didn't really make me feel that great, but still... it's fatty food) for lunch. I ate chicken curry with potatoes for dinner (the chicken I ate with the skin). Second day, I ate stewed pork with the visible fats again with rice and some squid. Yesterday, I ate some leftover chinese pork leg soup and 4 of the largest prawns for lunch and the best and fattiest steak for dinner. I really did go into calorie overload the past three days.

Here are my stats after the loading phase (on a digital weighing scale and in my birthday suit): 
Weight - 186.8 pounds, Bust - 43 inches, Waist - 40 inches, Hips - 47.5

Yeah, I know. BIG, right? All that weight has to go somewhere... I used to weigh 50 pounds lighter 6 years ago (now it seems so far away). Somehow, some lifestyle changes, decreased metabolism and age got to me... and here I am now, overweight and desperate. I am still getting up the nerve to take some pictures so I will have before and after photos to show after my (hopefully) success with the HCG diet.

So today, I start my calvary. I just took 10 drops of HCG on a teaspoon. Using a teaspoon really helped as the drops were controlled and I am assured that the drops really went under my tongue. I tried to drop directly under my tongue before, and quite frankly, I ended up wasting some drops and I swallowing most of them. So, advice to HCG dieters: use the teaspoon technique.

Since I detest vegetables and bland foods, I bought myself some HCG-compliant protein shake. The brand I am using now is Spiru-tein, which is a soy-based protein shake and commercially available in any Healthy Options branch. A scoop will only set me back 120 calories. It is pricey, I have to admit. But it beats having to eat tasteless meals. I plan to drink these replacement shakes for my food intake today.

I drank some ACV (apple cider vinegar) diluted in water with honey (also a tip from my seller to speed up the weight loss). It tasted like... vinegar... as expected. It was not good. I drank everything in one gulp. Oh, what I do for weight loss. Here's the recipe as taught to me:

Apple Cider Vinegar Drink
2 tbsp. of ACV (I use the BRAGG Brand because the bottle says it's organic)
1 tbsp. of honey
1 glass of water

According to other dieters in the many forums I already read, ACV needs to be ingested already in diluted form to prevent teeth from getting damaged. I am thinking of drinking this with a straw as I could feel my teeth complaining as I gulped down my ACV drink. I ran to the bathroom to brush my teeth afterwards.

I will be taking the ACV Drink twice a day, once in the morning and once at night. :) I bought my ACV from SM Supermarket. It's more expensive than the Datu Puti vinegar (obviously) but the health benefits is what I am after so I decided not to mind the cost.

That's it for today. Anyway, I will blog my experiences and hopefully, after a couple of weeks, I can announce that I have indeed lost a humongous amount of weight. :)


  1. Where have you bought it? Let me know :)

  2. Hi, how do you replace the meals with the protein shake? How would be the schedule of your meals if you take the protein shake?:) sorry if this is an obvious question. Hahaha

  3. I have one good site for buying hcg stuff and for info if someone need , I use few time and they are so good

  4. Replies
    1. Please follow me at instagram @sexyhealthyyou. I sell HCG drops US FDA-approved.

  5. I was searching for weight loss plan on many blogs.
    Finally I've found your blog. Your blog is really a nice blog.
    I'm very inspired from your post. Thank you so much.

  6. It is lot of good sites for buying hcg but I find one and don`t change , they are so good and very kind , here the site hcg diet plan

  7. If i may ask where can i buy that how much and the name? TIA

  8. If i may ask where can i buy that how much and the name? TIA

  9. I am appreciative for this blog to disperse information about this critical subject. Here I discovered distinctive portions and now I will utilize these new directions with new energy HCG Diet Plan

  10. I'm on my 2nd day of phase 2 and feeling a little bit nauseous.. But I strictly follow my 500cal a day... It's very hard specially if I pass by McDonalds...huhuhu struggle is real but have to overcome this.... Thanks to this journal I got some tips too... I have ACV but diluted with water no honey...
