Friday, August 3, 2012

"A Moment on the Lips, Forever on the Hips"

Yesterday, the reporting group in one of my classes brought Pancit Malabon and some pichi-pichi from Ambers. I used to eat food from Ambers in Makati, where I previously worked and I can attest that their popularity with the offices are not without basis. Their food is absolutely yummy!

I managed to get through the class without any violations from the HCG diet, meaning I didn't eat despite the overwhelming aroma of the pancit in the room. Our room is air-conditioned and since all the windows are closed, the smell was really just.... in the air!

Here's what I did to overcome the temptation:

1. I repeated this mantra to myself when I learned that there would be food served in class. "A moment on the lips, forever on the hips." I reminded myself (silently, of course) that I wanted to lose weight more than I wanted a temporary fill of the pancit.

2. When the reporting group took a break and food was being served, I deliberately went out of the room. My friends didn't encourage me to eat as I had already briefed them about my diet. It really pays when the people surrounding you are supportive.

This is what I missed, and I am not sorry I missed this after I weighed myself this morning:

3. I took a peek in the classroom and saw a few minutes later that while everyone was eating already, there was still food left that were not yet served. I decided to wait a little more outside. I didn't want to have a choice whether to eat or not to eat in a classroom smelling like a kitchen. It was pretty boring but I managed to amuse myself by looking at pictures in the hallways, hehehe.

4. When everything was served, I joined the class already. I wouldn't have been able to eat even if I wanted to since there wasn't anything left to serve anymore. Surprisingly, my mouth didn't water even when I was forced to sit in a classroom with so many people eating extremely flavorful food in front, beside and at the back of me. I guess the HCG really worked.

5. All in all, it was a small personal taste of Victory for me. HCG's effects does not extend to the eyes and nose, so it's only your stomach that doesn't grumble when confronted with food.

In a nutshell, as much as possible, stay away from sources of temptation. If food is all around you, constantly remind yourself that you are after long-term gains, and not short fixes of bouts of temptation. 

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