Thursday, August 9, 2012

Cheaters Never Win... Mini Steak Day Again!

I cheated yesterday. I tasted the most wonderful concoction... shrimp cooked in garlic and yummy cheese. And today, I paid for it. I gained weight... not a lot of weight, just 0.2 pounds. (Yes, I already finished emptying my bladder and I stepped on the scale lots of times to make sure.)

Even then, I feel very, very sad. It is really true that nothing tastes better than skinny feels. If I could, I would turn back the time and not eat those 4 pieces of succulent shrimps because it is just not worth it. I am not thinking of just the 0.2 pounds of weight gain, but also the weight I COULD HAVE LOST had I not given in to temptation and shut my mouth.

Oh well, this is life and we all have to learn our lesson. I really have no idea how I can reach my milestone now of 175 lbs. before the week is over. But today, just to help things a bit, I will do another steak day. I won't eat for the whole day. I will just stuff myself with water.

Here's what I learned so that a "steak day" will be successful:
  1. Absolutely no food before dinner. Not even the tiniest bit of lettuce should be taken in. No... just because it's green and leafy doesn't mean it is allowed in any diet... and for today, protein is king!
  2. Drink lots and lots of water. Don't wait for your stomach to grumble. Drink 2 glasses of water every so often (every two to three hours is recommended). Don't wait for thirst to get to you. 
  3. Don't be idle. When you find yourself thinking of food, don't indulge and go on the net to look at food blogs. You are just torturing yourself. Instead, imagine yourself wearing nice clothes. Go to youtube and seek motivation from successful HCG dieters. 
  4. Buy only 100 grams of steak! This is not a license to gorge on steaks. Since we are still on Phase 2, there's a limit to how much steak we can eat and read- that's only 100 grams.  
  5. Look forward to your steak night. A taste of tenderloin will be worth the wait. Trust me! :) 
I will be doing this today and hopefully, tomorrow, I lose more than a pound so I can get this guilty feeling out of my system.

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