Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Weight Update: Now at 178.6 lbs.

Here's my weight update.

Weight: 178.6 lbs
Pounds Lost in a Day: 1.0 lb.
Pounds Lost So Far: 8.2 lb.

I was able to go through Phase 2 for a week with only 2 cheats, which is not so good... since I did cheat, but I was still able to register a whopping 8.2 lb. weight loss!

This is what showed on my weighing scale. Imaging my surprise! I was only gunning to reach 179 lb. and this is what greeted me this morning!

Classes are suspended today due to the heavy rains. All I did all day was to watch videos on youtube. I didn't realize there were so many hcg dieters who really lost a lot of weight... more than 50 pounds. I am only aiming to lose 50 pounds and yet some of those who posted vlogs actually lost 100++ pounds. It was so motivating for me to see their before and after pictures.

I am pasting my goal plan from my blog post last August 3, please see below:

First Milestone - 179 pounds - ACHIEVED (August 8, 2012)
Second Milestone - 175 pounds - NEXT TO BE CONQUERED
Third Milestone - 169 pounds
Fourth Milestone - 165 pounds
Fifth Milestone - 160 pounds

I am happy to report than my first milestone which is 179 pounds has been achieved. :)

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