Thursday, August 2, 2012

Day 1 of Phase 2

Congratulations to me are in order because I was able to accomplish my VLCD and I did not give in to any temptations!

I drank protein shakes to fill me up. 1 for breakfast, 1 for lunch and another 1 for dinner. In between, I made sure that I drank lots of water as well. This set me back to around 360 calories. Honestly, I should still be eating an apple or whatever to reach 500 calories. However, I really don't have the appetite for it now so I am deciding to just forgo just this once.

I can now say that Intermountain HCG really works as I did not feel any hunger pangs during the day. It was only at around 9pm when I felt hungry, which served as a reminder that I had to get some dinner. I visited my blender and had an HCG protein shake in Chocolate Flavor. Yummy! :)

My mother arrived bearing some glazed donuts from S&R. Of course, I had to open the box and smell these wonderful donuts. However, she arrived just a few minutes after I took the 10 drops of HCG allotted for the night, my third dose this day and so, I was still feeling quite full. Wonders! While I smelled the Krispy Kreme smell of the donuts, I was not tempted to even take a small bite.

I can feel that this round of HCG diet will be successful. What made this round different from my other failed attempt was that I really mentally prepared myself. I made sure that I wrote down my goals and why I was doing this diet. I made sure that I psyched myself up to getting through this diet. Further, I resisted dining with my classmates, opting to go home straight without visiting the kitchen. I only had my protein shake lunch around 30 minutes after I had my drops. 

What are my goals? I put them down on my profile in the myfitnesspal account that I have.
First Milestone - 179 pounds
Second Milestone - 175 pounds
Third Milestone - 169 pounds
Fourth Milestone - 165 pounds
Fifth Milestone - 160 pounds

I plan to at least reach my Third Milestone with the HCG diet THIS MONTH. Yes, I know... by any stretch, 19 pounds in a month is ambitious. But I just really want to see that digit "6" as the middle digit on my weighing scale as I have not seen that in years! With the help of HCG, I know I can do it!

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